Epi Week #30 - 2016 General Statements

Jul 24 - 30

The lack of rain continues to drive current mosquito trends. Submissions were down slightly again this past week, about on par with Epi Week 30 of 2015. WNV+ mosquito pools are starting to show up, but that is typical for this time of year and expected as catch basin habitat continues to provide prime Culex pipiens/restuans habitat. Levels of floodwater species continue to be negligible. Culiseta melanura levels were extremely low across the state, both when compared to last week and to the same Epi Week in previous years, which corresponds to the lack of hits we’ve had for EEEv.


Drought conditions continue to worsen across the state, with almost 2/3 of the state now under Severe Drought status (orange) and Moderate Drought (peach) expanding further west as well as into Bristol and Plymouth County.

Epi Week 30 Temperature Across MA

Unfortunately, there appears to be no end to the current weather trend anytime in the near future; MDAR’s weather expert is now predicting drought conditions to last well into September. Expect more of the same (average to above average temperatures and only scattered thunderstorms) into the next week.

As you can see from the Epi Week 30 map below, there was little rainfall this past week, with only very isolated areas receiving more than half an inch.

Precipitation in MA for EPI Week 30, 2016